Our Monthly roundup of the chatter in the Dings. Lots of pictures – Youth Club, community gardening, the Cosmos, opening and closing businesses, Kids holiday events, services and development news.
Opening and Closing businesses
The bike shop on Oxford St sadly closed down – shared by Steff Foster
Lawrence Hill Heath Centre Pharmacy – shared by Helen Iona
The pharmacy on site at Lawrence Hill Health Centre is being threatened with closure, people will be expected to use a pharmacy on Church Road instead.
Please fill in this questionnaire if you have a view.
Some of my thoughts:
- The amount of times I have had to go back and forth between the GP and the pharmacy, I would hate them to be on separate site.
- Church Road is further away for us who live in the Dings. This disadvantages people with mobility problems.
- Church Road parking is a nightmare. So even if you have transport it would still be harder to get your prescriptions.
- As well as disadvantaging people with physical health problems, moving the pharmacy off side will disadvantage people who struggle with planning, memory, executive function, which can include those with learning disabilities, difficulties such as autism or ADHD, mental health problems including dementia, and those whose ability to plan and execute tasks is impaired by pain, strong medication or substance use.
The Trunki building is going to be a nursery They are busy fitting it out and will have an open day for The Dings when it is finished.
And a little bit of history about the Shaftesbury Crusade building. It was a car garage prior to being converted in to flats and there was a ramp from Union Road to the top floor to drive cars up !

Book shop opening on Old Market – Shared by Nola Hersey

Youth Club News – shared by Nola Hersey
Last Youth Club for this school year. Tie die t shirts, games, fruit kebabs, a BBQ and a water fight Thanks so much Tania and Luis for being so awesome. Have a great summer everyone

Free Craft Workshops – shared by Sarah Booth
Some free family creative fun days at sparks over the holidays, helping parents stay sane since 2023!
We’re hosting some free creative workshops over the summer holidays. Every Friday afternoon from 26th July to 30th August, 12 – 4pm

August Tech Club – shared by Helen Iona
If anyone is interested this summer

Library Service – shared by Sal Casely
the Bristol Home Library Service is available for anyone over 18, living in Bristol and who is unable to get to their local library for reasons of age, disability or responsibility. The HLS has DBS checked volunteers in most parts of the city who will be happy to come around to your house and keep your book pile topped up. They will fetch you a specific book you want or bring suggestions for your pleasure, (librarians are very helpful with this.) The volunteers can get ordinary books, Large Print or audio books (on cds.) The free service is offered monthly and most of our volunteers have time to stop for a chat when they visit.
So perhaps you are the person who needs the service! In which case call or e mail me using the details at the bottom.
Perhaps you know someone who might enjoy this service? In which case tell them about it and either give them the details or call us with them and we will get in touch.
Or perhaps you enjoy going to the library, and have a little time to spare and might be willing to join our team of volunteers. In which case get in touch! (We cant pay you but we can refund expenses, and you will be joining a wonderful team and making a real difference to someone’s life.)
So please can I ask you to share the good news around and help reduce isolation in our community.
Thanking you in advance
Ken Luxon. Service Manager, Bristol Home Library Service. or 07714 898 558
The Sanctuary Bristol (Mental Health Support shared by Steff Foster)

The Sanctuary in Bristol is a safe space where you can come for mental health support if you’re having trouble coping or you feel lonely or isolated. It’s a place where you can pause, take a breather, and find some balance when things feel overwhelming. We can also help you access other support services.
The Cosmos (as seen from the Dings) by Lee Pullen
From the Dings to the Cosmos! This picture is a close-up detail shot, showing just over 10% of the giant nebula IC1396. The colours indicate hydrogen, oxygen, and sulphur all mixing together, while the dark patches are areas blocking the light from background stars. More info: Urban astro photography

From the Dings to the Cosmos! Here’s another astrophoto taken from my back garden. It shows The Coma Cluster, which is a collection of 1000 galaxies. 275 can be identified in my image. More info:…/10/the-coma-cluster/

The Dings Planters in extreme close-up! These are some photos I took today of the planters at the end of the park. I used an ultra-macro lens that gets closer views than a regular macro lens, along with some special lighting kit. There’s a lot of insect life among the plants and flowers

Temple Quay Market
Market time! Check our line up for Tuesday and Thursday below

Whilst we wait for summer to reboot…. We bring you some of the best street food in town… Come eat with us this Tuesday and Thursday.
- @cypruskitchenldn
- @gurtwings
- @fatriceuk
- @banhwagonuk
- @toffs_pasta
- @toastieguys
- @riceminster
- @peckersbristol
- @murraymaysfood
- @kcperiperi
- @woknrollsouthwest
- @shesellssushi
- @ah_mas_dumplings
- @boigers_uk
- @kingfinbristol
- @bishopstonbagels
- @thepizzarocket
- @toffs_pasta
Community Gardening
Community gardening mainly cut back the under tree growth. See if you can spot the snake and the honeysuckle

Development News
There’s no new development news but Old Market community keep a very close eye on things in the area so worth checking them out at the Old Market Community Association website.
Plans for 22-storey tower block for 530 students near Temple Meads

Plans for a 22-storey high-rise with 530 student beds in Temple Quarter have been unveiled. The proposed development, part of the massive St Philip’s regeneration near Bristol city centre, would include 4,500sq ft of affordable workspace and improvements to the public open space, such as a new wide avenue and a ‘greenway’.
The Iron Works
The Iron Works – revised plans for Plot 2 & 3 to deliver an enhanced canal side community of light, spacious new homes and vibrant green public spaces. These are the new plans for Plots 2&3 of the Silverthorne Lane development. They are out for consultation at the moment.

This second link is to have your say
Bristol Views Poll – shared by Sol Allan