Welcome to the Dings


Welcome to The Dings Community Association

The Dings community in the St. Philip’s area of Bristol is in the midst of small indie businesses and traders, dynamic commercial development, vibrant nightlife, the floating harbour/ Feeder Canal, and the railway. Distinct from the surrounding areas, the Dings has a unique character and spirit.

It’s our village in the city.

In recent years the redevelopment of Avonside wharf has resulted in a rapid expansion of the Dings, with many new people coming to the area; it’s an exciting time. More recent and forthcoming developments in and around The Dings include: Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone ;  Welcome Building; Silverthorne Lane; University of Bristol’s proposed Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus,

The Community Association began in 1993 as a Neighbourhood Watch, and it continues to serve the community. When we meet everyone is invited and will be made welcome. We organise community events, youth clubs, recipe bags, maths/ English homework support /tutoring, and liaise with local organisations. We run a community library from the Safe ’Ouse and have an active community gardening initiative which meets regularly to plant, weed, prune and tidy in our streets and our park.

Where we are

Why not come along to our next meeting at The Safe ‘Ouse, Oxford Street (in Dings park)

Share your views and find out what’s happening in the area. Please see the calendar for the date of the next meeting. 

If you have any issues to report to the police then the easiest place to report is on the Avon and Somerset police report page.

For all things related to Cyber crime then please check out the Cyberhood watch page – which then links through to a partnership resource page with Avast.

For more news and information about what’s happening in the area, please see our News page