Hope you all had a great Christmas and a happy New year
Advent Calendar Windows
Big thanks to all that took part here’s a summary of them all by date (although the numbers don’t add up so I suspect some of the pictures were just random Christmas pictures!).

Well done to Helen for arranging this yet again including a map for people to visit them all

Goodbye (and Hello)

From Lisa, Rod and family – who sadly moved out at the start of the month (only pictures I found seem to include Dom!)
and to Alex who has come to replace them
We will miss the dings, neighbours and friends but it’s time for a change.
Please welcome Alex into the community (I know you will) He is a lovely guy and we’re happy to leave number 57 in his safe hands. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy healthy futures.
Oxford Street Party
Oxford Street held a party next to the arches with some market stalls, free doughnuts and music by Elmer courtesy of Marthas Brewery – some pics: