The Dings AGM minutes

The Dings Annual General Meeting

and Community Meeting 17th April 2018

1. Welcome to all. Apologies: Jeff Bendall, Bev Woodman, Ali Hender

2. Minutes – all agreed.

3. Resident attendees: 7

4. The Dings Community Awards: an adult award and a junior award to be presented with certificates at the next Fun Day.

5. Fallen branches on Network Rail Land: tidied but not cleared.

6. Street Lights – Intermittent on Chimney Steps and Les Brown court. Dangerous as cyclists come along these lanes very fast, don’t see pedestrians. Still ongoing. Helen to follow up.

7. Crime – no police representatives. Some cars broken into in March, no other known crime.

8. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) meeting – communities can ask for money that has been given by developers to council. Sal Caseley presented condition of park, and condition of the loose cobbles in Oxford Street. We have not been asked to apply further so likely not successful. Money has to be shared with Easton and Lawrence Hill wards. Sal has brought up that we are part of the Old Market Plan area, so we will be entitled to a higher percentage of funds than other areas without a plan (25% vs 15%). Councillors to decide which plans to go ahead. Sal talked to Paul Bradburn at Old Market Association, we will work together to make sure money is accounted for and that we get our entitlement.

9. Redland Green School Students – Sal hosted 30 students to the Dings, answering questions about the impact of the physical environment on the lives of the residents over the years.

10. New nightclub on Feeder Road ‘St Philips Gate’ – planning meeting attended. It will comprise of: offices for new startups, built of container units; a microbrewery; and an open air nightclub. Taxi stops are a concern, but will have 3000 people attending gigs, concern there is not enough turning space. They have been selling tickets already but not got planning permission yet. June gigs cancelled. Tickets still on sale but venue will be changed if planning not granted. Sal has lodged objections on behalf of community association regarding noise, adequate space in bad weather, inadequate space for taxis.

11. Noise: some neighbours have noticed that Motion’s noise is louder since HMRC has been built. Unfortunately this is outside Motion’s monitoring points. Sal to email Motion to get them to check levels.

12. University Campus Planning Meeting: at Hannah More School. They were asking for community views but have no concrete plans.

13. 40-48 Midland Road development – planning not granted in present state for multiple reasons including it was out of character with the area, insufficient space in courtyard for number of proposed residents, exacerbation of imbalanced housing accommodation in the area.

14. Hannah More School – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts groups meeting at the school for boys and girls. Can you volunteer to help lead one of these groups? Do you know of a young person in the area who might like to join? They are looking for volunteers from local community and businesses. Open evening 19th April 5-7pm. Also want the scouting groups to be open to all children in the community, not just school students.

15. Julie’s Cafe closed – until further notice – will be sadly missed.

16. Endowment Fund – do we want to apply for funding to get internet for the Safe ‘Ouse, laptops, data projector. Sal to pass details on to Nola and Serrie, Helen to pass on details of old Endowment Fund application.

17. Young People – not funding under-11s at all. Rob has left (moving to New Zealand!). Youth sessions have had 10-15 regularly from local team. Aiming to bring more young people to community cleanup mornings. Extension to give session in April and May, handing over to CYN but youth activities in The Dings not confirmed. Final young people session was held – the children cooked a 3 course meal to celebrate their achievements. CYN will just be doing ‘targeted’ groups – not open to all, so even projects for older youth will not exist in their current form.

Can we do anything to help provide for young people? Code Club and Digilocal can offer sessions potentially. CYN will work with Quartet to make money to go further. Lawrence Hill has highest proportion of children and young people of any ward in the area. And highest rate of teen pregnancy. So good case for good provision for the youth. Can we approach businesses that are moving into Temple Quay to fund youth projects? Sal, Serrie, Dom to get a plan together.

18. Gardening – gardening resuming next month. Flowers looking beautiful where we planted them earlier in the year.

19. Graffiti – around side and back of container. Not to repaint.

20. The Dings Fun Day Saturday 21st July – Sarah Daly – Community Network Organiser interested in helping. Meeting decided not to close the road this year. We will have a party in the park instead. Volunteers needed for planning and helpers on the day. Contact Sal Caseley if you can take part!

21. Cheesegrater Bridge – no update.

The Annual General MeetingGM

1. AGM minutes of last year agreed

2. Chair’s report – see attached.

3. Treasurer’s Report –

Expenditure  Income

Youth club  £1400.86  LPW  £1,600.00

Events:  £680.20  Events: Fun Day  £354.60

Meetings:  £51.25  Donations  £178.20

Wellbeing:  £0.00 Wellbeing  £0.00

Admin/Other £294.64  Barton Hill Settlement £2,123.38

Insurance: £82.95

TOTAL: £2509.90  TOTAL £4,256.18

Income ‐ expenditure £ 1,746.28

Current bank balance £4,214.86

Cash in hand £165.57

Total £4,380.43.

We will have to pay some tax on this.

4. Election of officers – current trustees Dom Murphy, Ali Hender, Sal Caseley, Helen Leckie, Nola Hersey, Serrie Chapman, Jeff Bendall, Lowina de Cordova, Bev Woodman. All directors stood down prior to election.

Elections as follows:

Office  Name  Proposer  Seconded

Chair  Sal Caseley  Helen Leckie  Nola Hersey

Vice Chair  Ali Hender  Sal Caseley  Nola Hersey

Treasurer  Dominic Murphy  Nola Hersey  Lowina de Cordova

Secretary  Helen Leckie  Serrie Chapman  Sal Caseley

Director:  Serrie Chapman  Helen Leckie  Sal Caseley

Nola Hersey  Sal Caseley  Helen Leckie

Jeff Bendall  Nola Hersey  Sal Caseley

Lowina De Cordova Serrie Chapman  Sal Caseley

Bev Woodman  Dom Murphy  Sal Caseley

Date of next meeting – Tuesday. 19th June 2018 6:15 for 6:30pm start at the Safe ‘Ouse, Oxford Street Park.

The Dings AGM Report 2018

Like most years we have had lots of community consultations, Silverthorne lane development, Avon street/Temple Quay West and the latest one is the University which will be on the old Cattle Market site,

We are no further forward than last year with a decision for the arena, will it be at Temple Meads or Filton. Hopefully as this year progresses we should have a firm answer.

Early in the year concerns were raised by neighbours when Motion announced “open air party nights”, starting during the summer. We invited them to neighbourhood watch meeting where lots of questions were asked, residents felt re-assured by their responses.

Dubbed as the “Gardening girls” (Serrie, Nola. Melissa and Sally) featured on the cover of Up our Street magazine, fame at last!

At Nola’s place of work they kindly came down to The Dings, for a “Give back to the community day”, this resulted in them repainting the whole of the outside of the safe Ouse, also a team managed to erect the marquee, to see if everything was there, and in working order. A video was made of this to put on YouTube.

July saw the Dings summer fun day, and “bake off”, lots of fabulous prizes were donated by local residents and companies, an excellent day, fun was had by all

Dings Neighbourhood Facebook Page has continued to be popular we now have 224 members who play an active part in keeping everyone informed of crime and happenings in the Dings. During the summer we changed our privacy settings, it is now a controlled safer site.

During July a parking survey was sent to all residents, announcing new traffic regulation in Oct 18 – we are still waiting for the outcome??

Crime is still at an all time low in the Dings.



