Police Community meeting Notes

  • 22 November 2023 6.30
  • Chaired by Sally Casely
  • Minutes: Serrie Chapman
  • Attendees: 14 residents

Welcome to all and to our guest, PCSO – Luke Scadding – PCSO6688;

Community notices

  • We have been successful with the latest CIL funding;
    • this includes:
      • ping pong table being repaired/replaced
      • a gate to stop people parking in the park
      • broken swing repair
      • some park gym equipment
      • also a walkway next to the new flats just before Barley mow to allow safe pedestrian walking.
    • We have passed the first part of the bid; this went in 6 months ago.
    • We now have to wait until next March to see if we have been successful for full funding.
  • We successfully bid for a grant and were awarded £500 funding for fun day next year
  • We have applied for Interim funding from the council for Friday night youth club support.
  • Luis youth worker
    • as part of his work with Wellspring Settlement is holding football and boxing sessions on a Thursday night for age 11 upwards.
    • This will also bring in some much-needed income to the Dings.
  • Christmas advent windows are being organised by Helen, see either Dings Facebook page or contact Helen at number 10 Birkin Street.
  • The 506 bus that used to come along midland road has stopped
    • there is a petition trying to replace it with the 36, by diverting it along days road for shopping town etc
    • Its also, online post with Bristol post https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/petition-launched-bus-route-serve-8863930
  • Councillor Yasim is dealing with the Barton House residents, so he is not available: last month he reported:
    • dog & caravan on the cycle track
    • cctv
    • drug dealing
    • stealing bikes
    • people trying car doors
    • lighting in Dings Park tunnel
    • flood lights in the park
    • knives and syringes.
    • A review/response will be on 28th November.
  • Flood lights in the park – councillor Amal Ali was supposed to chase the lights, no news.
    • Luis spoke to the council and had a 10 day promise of a response – over 3 weeks ago! there is an hour wait to get through on the phone.
    • Luke to also chase up and push as priority. It will make the park safer etc.
  • A zone resident has also been reporting everything online.
  • Apologies from Oxford Street resident (unable to make meeting due to ill health) is seeing people from around 11/12 to about 6am in the park, there are cars pulling up and driving off at all times.
    • It has been reported online to the police.

Crime stats

  • There’s been less reports from Shaftesbury crusade
    • A blue light has been added (deters drug taking)
  • Plaza has gone up and priority and is getting immediate response
    • management company stated that they are looking into preventative measures
  • Christopher Thomas court have a lot of issues.
    • Drug anti-social etc Someone in the lifts, the management companies were contacted, and they put a lock on the bin shed. The residents had to break in though, as they were not given the code.
    • New locks added and other preventative measures put in place.

Increase in car crime

  • People may be emailed or contacted for CC TV footage.
    • It needs to be submitted against case number officially as they can’t use posts on Facebook.
  • There was an attempted car break in on Barton Road.
    • The resident tried to post it online, but when you submit crime on the website is says it will allow upload – but it doesn’t .
    • No follow up 11 days later after added, against the original crime report. Submitted another report 12 days ago.
    • Nothing else been sent regarding it – not seen any logs.
    • Luke will follow up with comms as they may not be coming through to him.
  • Luke to follow up on why they aren’t getting responses through his system etc.
    • Luke says there is a lot more reports now
    • the frequency the same but more people reporting each case.
  • A resident from the zone:
    • tried to report people in the building online but the site kept crashing.
    • Got through on the phone but still not had a call response.
    • A sex toy was found, so assuming they will be back.
    • In the morning they were blocking the entrance – if they are causing alarm, harassment or distress Luke says to call it in to 999 – if they are polite and move on with a request then 101.
  • A lot of parcel thefts.
    • A resident posted printouts to neighbours stating that although missing a parcel is important it’s not as high a priority as ensuring safety.
    • Management company don’t believe it’s their problem, to protect the building.
    • The building is the managements responsibility, but the people inside becomes a police issue.
  • Plaza
    • When a resident was taking her kids to football, there was a woman going through the bins who was verbally abusive, on return they found 2 men in the stairwell – they argued about leaving it was suggested they wait outside.
    • It was very unnerving.
    • Someone is leaving the door on the latch.
    • Complaint put into Hillcrest:
    • they had urinated, undressed and left their clothes.
    • The resident cannot send her 15-year-old boy to do the bins as they are not sure of the situation he may be faced with
  • Luke (in response):
    • 999 the issue and they will get a PSCO or someone else to come out.
    • Unsecured doors are due to broken latches, speak to Hillcrest.
    • Luke currently has an EBC (excessive behaviour contract) against the resident in question.
    • The resident hangs out on the chimney steps road, blares music, also shouting abuse to passing cyclists, the noise and behaviour upsets people who are working from home
  • Dare too:
    • noisy in October, its thumping sounds coming from great speakers.
    • Luke said they know about the Cider Box as the station was affected by the noise, the day after Halloween.
    • Nola and Sal have been up to see Dare too last year and they are claiming they watch noise levels – but a push from police may be better.
    • When the new buildings are erected Midland Road, it should bounce the music noise away from the Dings.
    • Hopefully with the rain and cold weather most parties will be inside.
    • Interestingly dependent if a party is on the roof or in the courtyard the music goes in different directions (different roads)
  • Union Road
    • The road is quieter than it was, but can still hear people at night from the park but not as much.
    • Heard of issues a couple of weeks ago where there were cars broken into – this was captured on video from a couple of houses.
    • Luke: If it’s too late on the report may not be able to get a prosecution but can make them a person of interest.
  • Sally:
    • walking the dog in the early evening says a man, and a woman asked if she was “waiting” when they went into the children’s play park, this has happened to two other people.
    • Sally believes the woman called out the name Tiny to the man.
    • This is about 8 o clock in the evening.
    • Luke has had several reports from several people about that and can target patrols for that time in the evening now he knows the time.
    • Residents are avoiding the park as there was a man in the bushes which also scared some kids.
  • Emmaus:
    • Saw someone running down the road with a weapon Luke says they were arrested.
    • It was on live stream and he’s now behind bars.
  • A resident In the zone:
    • “says there’s a lot of people who “say” a lot on Facebook, but they don’t react, and they can’t even get a neighbourhood watch set up as people don’t engage.
    • Plaza attends but Crown & anchor and others don’t – there’s 499 apartments but none are engaging.
    • Also, half the issues are not being reported.
    • The “I live in the zone” Facebook page includes a majority who doesn’t live there – the other zone
    • Facebook page has more landlords.
    • Things need to change as its very unsafe currently.
  • A resident saw 3 guys on bikes they were seen with 3 large rolls of insulation – if there was any missing footage available.
  • Oxford street resident say’s there’s a large bush near the planters with prostitution happening.
    • Serrie suggests they cut them back with community gardening to expose the area
  • Union street/Dings Walk?
    • One month ago, someone came into her back garden and stole her sons bike.
    • This is the 3 rd time
    • he tried to break the lock and then just scratched it with the knife.
    • Luke: did you report it?
    • No. A Neighbour has a video on union road. With footage they may be able to identify them.
    • Luke suggests getting cameras so they can all report issues but just cover your own house.
  • Plaza resident says her sons bike went missing but it had bike markers on it.
    • Luke can arrange a bike marking session.
    • Frame number description and a parent’s details are needed.
    • The police have Apps on their work phones and can scan it.
    • To do it after Christmas as kids may get bikes for Xmas presents.
    • They can then contact you directly if they are found it’s hard to get the marking off.
  • The biggest problem in the area is the lack of reporting, every time we open Facebook its full of thefts.
  • Barton Road resident has Zoom and often sees people trying and putting the windows through – he has all the footage.
  • Rather than Increasing police patrols he suggests putting the resources into finding and following up.
  • A neighbour on dings walk saw people checking house doors and car doors at 3 am and climbing over to steal bikes.
  • The neighbours also had motorbike was stolen – suggested reporting it.
  • City space
    • some prostitution seen also at 3pm in the afternoon seen from the resident’s balcony.
  • Drug dealing and movements were heavy in October, its slowed down now, maybe due to the weather.
  • Re the caravan on the bike path:
    • The dog has had a welfare check.
    • The owner is being monitored
  • The caravans on 55 days road have moved on!
    • the owner was there to change the locks.
    • There are some more caravans/vans private land near motion – police can’t act on that.
    • Not reported previously but they are now aware of website.
  • Plaza:
    • Mid last week someone broke into bike storage and stole a few bikes
    • the management fixed it straight away
    • they came back the next day and broke them again.
  • The next night a vehicle was broken into outside the barley mow.
  • Concern about the rise in incidents, sometimes takes a couple of days to get through to Luke.
  • Residents complain they never get a response from anything logged.
    • Luke – normally I would email or give a call.
    • May be others but could be a comms issues – any crime reference numbers?
    • Sometimes people will pick up Lukes’s area and he’s not sure how they manage them – to follow up.
  • A resident got security through Sky, through the contents insurance and Sky protect.
  • Plaza
    • having times when bikes is being stored on the landing
    • sometimes during the day – they mysteriously appear and then disappear.
    • Suitcases turned up, but didn’t touch them as concerned as what’s in there – possibly stolen from templemeads?
    • Massive issue at BTM due to cameras being obstructed by scaffolding works.
    • Homes England own that and have money. temple security has no contact with BTP.
    • Should move the cameras.
  • Plaza Car Park
    • non-residents hanging around in the evenings, eating etc.
    • Seems to be a resting place.



