The Dings Community Meeting 12th February 2018

1. Welcome to all. Apologies: Bev Woodman

2. Minutes – agreed from last time (aside from point 9 – Sal to find out more info re: masters student survey about community safety)

3. Resident attendees: 8. Other attendees: Emmanuel – Redeemed Christian Church of God, PCSOs Amy Pickles (6718) & Luke (7150)

4. Police – Amy Pickles, PCSO is our main point of contact at the moment. Main reported problems on the beat are traffic (speeding along Midland Road, Feeder Road), homelessness (policy is to help – police work with the council on this), and antisocial behaviour from a group of young (18+) adults. Recent operation in Avonmeads, found lots of cars with no insurance or un-roadworthy, clamped or fined. Antisocial behaviour: the same people are causing issues in a lot of different locations including Talavera Close and The Plaza. Please ring the police on 101 if you see antisocial behaviour – even if they aren’t able to respond as quickly as you would like, the more phone calls, the more evidence the police have to devote more resources to tackle the problem properly.

Over Christmas the PCSOs ran a CopShop in Cabot Circus.

Residents also brought up parking and bike issues – encouraged to get in touch with Hannah More school re bikes as a lot go along New Kingsley Road. Parking – questioned whether the new flats on Barton Road have been given RPZ status Serrie to find out.

Another issue raised was people seen drinking alcohol in their cars along Oxford Street and driving away. If you see someone intoxicated getting in their car, ring 999 as they are risking themselves and others.

Youth connection: Police cadets maybe doing some events with youth in summer, will try to come to Summer Fun Day, and interested in doing a bike safety workshop.

5. Redeemed Christian Church – Emmanuel. email

The church have some members who would like to show the young people how to build simple websites, blogs, mobile apps. As soon as they have sourced computers and internet connection, will be ready to go. Given contact for Digilocal, who have computers and are looking for volunteers. Redeemed would also like to run an engagement event to get to know the young people – given contact for LPW so they can see if they can visit during youth club and possibly set up computer sessions at this time.

Also happy to help with session about web safety.

6. Christmas Carols – thank you to Redeemed and Pip n Jay churches for singing on that very rainy day in December – and thank you for the chocolates.

7. Cycling – Sally contacted Duncan Dollimore from Cycling UK about our issues. He advised us to talk to local group. ‘Bristol Cycling Campaign’. Sal to email them to see if they can help us do a strategy.

8. Youth – There will be no funding for youth programmes for under-11s from April. Learning Partnership West has lost the contract for 11+ youth work – an organisation called Prospects will be taking over from April – it is not sure what the new provision will look like. Sal to remain in contact as we find out more.

9. Park – Lights in the park – Still not coming on via a timer, only going on manually on youth club nights. Dom to follow up with council.

Dog poo – still lots of dog poo in the park (and also at the far end of the cycle path. When we put poo bags up, people taking the whole roll. We will try putting them up again, perhaps in a protective cover, and also put up some laminated signs.

Maintenance jobs in park – can we do them ourselves? E.g. benches need painting, gate to children’s park not shutting properly meaning dogs can get into play area, small children can run out more easily. Council not doing these types of jobs anymore due to cuts. Sal to investigate prospect of office volunteers, Emmaus

10. Dings Community Fun Day – Saturday 7th July or 21st. tbc.

11. Endowment Fund 2018 now open up to £1000- which we can apply for. Ideas discussed: funding for Fun Day, or training programme for young people or Emmaus learning skills e.g. painting park furniture; or development of the Safe Ouse to make it attractive to hire out and a better place for the community to use (e.g. installing WiFi).

12. Treasurer’s report – Dom not here.

13. Planning permissions – United Communities – 40-48 Midland Road. planning granted?, subject to conditions. 20 flats, 9 houses, 4 studio workshops. Sal to check that this isn’t the old application

University Campus – Dings Residents invited to planning meeting Weds 21st Feb, 5:45 for 6pm-8pm. You will be given £15 in Bristol Pounds for attending!

Arena – may be in our area or Filton, latest decision date March 28th. If we do not have an arena in our area it will be a conference centre. Building work is continuing on site near us.

14. Parking Vouchers – if you have some that expired in 2017, you can send them back for ones that expire in 2020.

15. Video about how to put up marquee – Nola to see Helen about putting video up.

16. Advent windows – it was the best year yet – great to have people doing them year after year, and new people joining in. We even had to double up on one day! Thanks to Helen for organising, and everyone who took part: Melissa Derricourt, Jo Hadler, Lisa Starr, Carolyn Shah-Pirate, Liz Gál, Mark & Jane Pater, Nola Hersey, Sioned Armstrong, Kerry Bowler, Louise Roche, Ali Hender, Dom Murphy, Sal & Roy Caseley, Serrie Chapman, Ian Batten & Neill Davis, Julia & Will (63 Barton Road), Lee Pullen, Lesley (8 Barton Road), Phyllis (1b Union Road), the Emmaus Companions, Adam Marshall & Mel Lewis, Kerry & Les (33 Tyler Street), Lowina de Cordova, Iwona (26 Birkin Street), Steph & Kelsey Peters.

17. Cheese grater bridge – still waiting for the work to be done.

18. Dings Community Facebook Group –

19. Unity Free Food Market – Assisi Centre, Lawfords Gate, St Judes- fresh fruit and veg for free, 2:30-4:30 Saturdays. Just turn up with bags. There may be a more formal referral procedure however they are trying to offer food to people in need with dignity.

20. Community Award – will be awarded to members of the Dings Community who have done something exceptional to help the community. Decided that this year we will have one award for children and one for adults. The prize will be a certificate and a normination for the Up Our Street Thank You Awards. To be presented at the AGM and official ceremony at the Dings Fun Day.

21. Fallen Branch on Network Rail site – Serrie to contact.

22. Coming onto Days Road, bricks flicking up, in wet bang under car. Need to inform highways, through Fix my street

23. Intermittent street lights – Helen to follow up on Fix My Street

24. Next Meeting – AGM – all officials and directors will stand down, it’s your chance to vote for who will run the Dings Community Association next year, and hear what has happened over the past year.


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Date of next meeting – Tuesday 17th April 2018. 6:00 for 6:30 start at the Safe ‘Ouse, Oxford Street Park. This will be our Annual General Meeting – Wine and cheese provided.




